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Isn't it Time for Your Landscaping Transformation?

You deserve to be amazed each time you walk outside your Southeast Idaho home or commercial property. Curb appeal should stop people in their tracks. 

Beautiful landscaping textures and colors should be a feast for the eyes. And most importantly, people should love using these functional spaces. The Outback Landscape team can help make this your reality.

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Landscape Design

patio firepit chairs seating plants grass turf green lawn water feature waterfall home house gravel wall

Landscape Construction

crew safety action service maintenance plants 9

Landscape Maintenance

Outback is professional, knowledgeable, and has an eye for design.


Landscaping Services in Idaho Falls, Rexburg & Pocatello, ID

Since 2003, our team of landscaping professionals has transformed not only the spaces they create & maintain, but also the lives of our clients. 

We’re incredibly grateful for these wonderful Idaho residents who bring us their problems to solve. If you’re looking for a local landscaper that you can rely on, we would love to meet you!

- Chase Coates, President